National Quail Classic
Front: Dave Pomfret with Upwind Kismet Rapid Fire and Grace Ann Lawson with Colonel's Pride Back: Judge- Frank Vicari, Robert Tomczak, Mike Dalby, Mark Spurgeon, Mikayle Syczylo, Julie LaRue, Mark Johnson, Judge- Herman Gracie, Karlie Syczylo, Dustin Ochs, and Carrie Syczylo.
NFC FC Upwind Kismet Rapid Fire "Mason"
Sire: FC AFC Shotgun Danny Dude
Dam: Upwind Shake N Bake
Breeder: Elizabeth DeForest
Owner: Pam Buda & Elizabeth DeForest
Handler: Dave Pomfret
Runner Up
Colonel's Pride "Colonel"
Sire: FC AFC Piper's Sippican Oliver Twist
Dam: FC AFC Semper Fi Halls of Montezuma
Breeder: Al Lucas Jr. & Lisa Lucas
Owner/Handler: Dave Pomfret
Derby Classic
Judge-Mark Johnson, 3rd place Lee Dosier with Rockwoods Hurry Murray, 2nd Place - Scout- Carrie Syczylo with Shiloh N Mira's Magdalene, and 1st Place - Robert Tomczak with Shiloh's A Few Dollars More, and judge- Frank Vicari.
Shiloh's A Few Dollars More "Drifter"
Sire: Copper Creek Cowboy
Dam: FC AFC Cherokee's Jazzmin of Shiloh
Owner: Robert Tomczak
Breeder: Robert Tomczak
Handler: Robert Tomczak
Runner Up
Shiloh N Mira's Magdalene JH "Maggie"
Sire: Strider's Top Choice
Dam: Shiloh's Little Leilani
Owner: Michel Berner & Robert Tomczak
Breeder: Robert Tomczak
Handler: Robert Tomczak
2nd Runner Up
Rockwoods Hurry Murray Milli
Sire: Rebel Rouser Murray's Hank
Dam: Murray's Ridge Runner Ruby
Owner: Lee Dosier
Handler: Lee Dosier
The National Vizsla Association held its 3rd Annual National Quail Classic and companion Derby Classic on October 16-18 on the beautiful Hickman Ranch outside of Grand River, Iowa. The drawing was conducted at the Westerville Lodge on the eve of the trial, October 15th. Stakes manager Matt Rogers, NVA president Robert Tomczak, and participant Grace Ann Lawson took care off the details during the cocktail hour sponsored by Mark Johnson. Mark is the current president of the Field Trial Clubs of Illinois and was participant, helper, donor, and last minute judge.
The judges for this year’s event were to be Joe Vicari and his son Frank Vicari. Just two days prior to our event, Joe had a bad accident with his horse while judging a shorthair trail at Rock Creek and was hospitalized. We had Joe lifted up in our prayers, and he has since recovered. Joe and Frank are well known and respected in the GSP community and we were thankful Frank could still attend. Frank also judged the companion Derby Classic.
A special thanks goes to local Herman Gracie who took time out of his busy schedule to fill in for Joe. Herman has been hunting and trialing with English pointers for a long time, and is active in the local clubs. He knows what to look for in a dog and was very attentive and positive in both watching the dogs and interacting with handlers and participants. Finally, thanks again to Mark Johnson for also filling in at the last minute for Joe in the Derby Classic.
The grounds at the Hickman Ranch were spectacular and kudos is in order for the Hickmans, Chuck Davis, and all the people responsible for maintaining those grounds. Most of the courses were perfectly manicured, sufficient milo strips are planted, and ample water is accessible at many points on the course. It has beautiful rolling edges, wooded creek bottoms, milo strips, prairie grass fields, and many ponds. All that attended were impressed and hope the event returns to this venue in the future.
Trial Chairman Robert Tomczak and Stake Managers Matt Rogers (Shooting Dog) and Carrie Syczylo (Derby Classic) did and excellent job organizing this event. It is because of the dedication of many individuals that this event ran successfully. Matt drove all the way from Ohio to fulfill his duty as stake manager and never had a dog entered. He picked up the birds, planted the courses, saw to the judges’ needs, and had refreshments ready between braces. Mark Spurgeon and Mike Dalby helped Matt with the duties. Carrie also did a great job with the Derby and helped prepare the lasagna dinner on Tuesday, and she and Grace Ann helped with the pig roast and BBQ ribs on Wednesday. A big thumbs up to Brian and his cousin at the Westerville Lodge. They provided great accommodations and all who attended commented that “those boys sure do know how to put on a good BBQ.”
Lastly, thanks to all those in the crew that stepped to the plate to handle the myriad of duties that come with putting on a great trial. I would love to name you all, but the list is far too long. Thanks to everyone. Finally, we could not have a trial without the generous contributions of Purina. They have supported our other Championships and generously donated food to the winners for this event. Julie LaRue and Medda Rauhut attended from Texas and generously donated the use of their 4-wheeler and donated all the trophies for the event. Mark Johnson was very helpful and made donations of snacks and drinks, and small leather saddlebags for judges’ books for the winners.
The event was well attended and had entrants from east to west. Pro Dave Pomfret and his able sidekick Grace Ann Lawson came from Virginia and brought a nice string of dogs. Both were of huge help and we hope to see them back. Newcomers Tom and Cindy Pescod came from Arizona with their pro Dan Marr. NVA Treasurer/Secretary Dustin Ochs was there to help and participate with Pro trainer Brain Long. The rest of the field came from Wisconsin, Indiana, Texas, Iowa, and Illinois.
Luck certainly fell into play for the drawing of this event. The shooting dog Quail Classic drew 22 dogs. Tuesday was a beautiful cool day. Slight breeze started from the southeast with some mist in the air. It remained a picture perfect day for running dogs. Those that ran on Wednesday were not so fortunate. We had delays due to lightning and had high winds and driving rain most of the day. Coveys were liberated on course to assure opportunities for bird work in addition to the wild pheasants and quail in the area.
Our winner and runner up came from the first day running and ended up being a clean sweep for Pro trainer Dave Pomfret of Orange, Virginia. The winner came from the sixth and last brace of the first day. Upwind Kismet Rapid Fire, or “Mason”, is owned by longtime NVA supporter Lisa DeForest of New Hampshire and friend Pam Buda of California. Mason is also the 2005 Vizsla Club of America AKC National Field Champion. Mason is out of Lisa’s breeding program and a product of a blue hen bitch Upwind Shake N Bake or “Shaker” and sired by a known producer of many great field dogs Shotgun Danny Dude or “Danny”. Mason was braced with Cherokee’s Lil Red Rascal from the strong breeding program of Sonny and Verla Mortenson of Utah. Rascal is owned by Sean McPherson and handled by friend Robert Tomczak.
Both dogs started fast, Mason taking to the high side along the milo strip, Rascal the low side along the brushy gully. Mason immediately went on point at 2 along the milo. After a short attempt, a single was produced from the thick milo with all in order. Rascal disappeared on a far-reaching cast to the front along the creek. At 14 Pomfret called point with his charge standing tall along the creek bottom. He had difficulty finding the birds and relocated Mason. At 17, Rascal appeared after a short absence to the front and backed the situation. This time Mason had the birds pinned, and all was in order as the covey lifted and shot fired. Both dogs were sent on with Pomfret and Mason again taking the hide side at the turn and Rascal taking the low creek bottom side. Pomfret again raises his hat at 23 along the milo. A single was produced with Mason again standing mannerly. At 26, Rascal put the brakes on as a covey lifted along the creek bottom. Tomczak indicated the dog was standing and as he dismounted and approachedRascal, more birds lifted and Rascal decided to take a couple hops ending his bid.
Mason in the meantime continued to put on a bird finding clinic for his handler. Point being called at 31, a single, 48, a single in the milo, 51 a hawk kill, and finishing strong with a nice move down to the creek bottom along the milo and disappearing. As Pomfret rode forward, point was called at 59. Mason looked good as a covey easily flushed on the handler’s approach with all in order ending a great race. Everyone knowing this would be the dog to beat especially with bad weather ensuing.
The runner-up Colonel’s Pride, was also handled and is owned by Dave Pomfret. Colonel ran in the first brace of the morning on the first day and showed he definitely is a birddog. Colonel has been a very consistent dog for Dave and has consistently been in the VCA Top Ten List for vizslas. This possibly being Colonels last season of running before retirement.
Colonel started high and made his way across the first creek crossing. Taking to the edge Colonel disappeared along the bottom. Scout was sent and Colonel was found standing buried in thick cover. Pomfret had a hard time in the cover and after a long search a hawk kill was produced. Colonel still standing tight, the judge encouraged further search. As Pomfret stepped through the heavy vines and brush a single came rocketing out with all in order and Pomfret chuckling. This was good foreshadowing as to how the rest of the brace went. Colonel showing he is a birddog and dead broke. He had 8 more finds and 1 nonproductive. Some singles, some coveys, and some hard to find and flush. A great brace but perhaps too many birds to see the kind of race needed to ultimately win the stake.
The foul weather took its toll on competitors and their dogs the second day and none were able to finish the hour. Congratulations to Dave Pomfret and scout Grace Ann Lawson and owners Pam Buda and Lisa Deforest on their wins.
The course was muddy and creeks swelled with swift flowing water for the Derby Classic. Seventeen dogs were drawn and all came to the line. In the opinion of many onlookers, this was a very strong derby. It was one of the strongest this author has witnessed for our breed in a long time with some dogs having their strongest races to date. The day was windy and raining off and on, but it did not seem to slow man or beast.
Robert Tomczak taking first and second place swept the derby. The winner, Shiloh’s A Few Dollars More or “Drifter” came out of the second brace and was known to be a brace not to miss. Drifter is a product of the Shiloh Kennels breeding program and is out of a strong producing bitch, Jazzmin, from the Cherokee line crossed with Tomczaks’ stud dog Cowboy from Rebel Rouser lines. Drifter’s bracemate Diamond won the NVA National Derby Classic in Grovespring, MO in March for owner Mike Lundy. Good friend Dustin Ochs handled Diamond. Tomczak, Lundy, and Ochs are passionate about this club and all are officers and a driving force to grow the National Vizsla Association and promote the breed by trying to offer many 1-hour championships.
The brace was fast and furious with Drifter taking the front from the start. A game of cat and mouse ensued with each handler trying to best show his dog. Point was called for Drifter down in the bottom on the second creek crossing, a covey lifted as the judges and gallery approached. Drifter was taken on, with both dogs to the far front and disappearing at the turn. Handlers rode hard with Ochs getting his charge around the turn at the pond. After an absence Drifter was spotted to the far left on the turn and swung across to the front overtaking Diamond. He was seen on the far side of the creek hunting hard to the front. Both dogs finishing to the front with Drifter the stronger and bigger of the two.
The second place dog Shiloh N Mira’s Magdalene or “Maggie” was also handled by Tomczak and is co-owned by him and Michel Berner. Maggie is out of a long line of good producing bitches from Shiloh Kennels bred to Berner’s stud dog T-Bone. Maggie was braced with Grace Ann Lawson’s male Dylan and handled by Pomfret. Dylan did a great job and would have placed in any other trial, but this stake was strong and Maggie would not be denied. She has exceptional ground speed and covered the course fast and to the front. She attacked the course the entire time and at 25 stuck a large covey in a brushy raven along the hillside. She got a little out of pocket after the covey, but came around the edge back to the front. Maggie was just not quite as big as the winner.
The third place dog, Rockwood’s Hurry Murray or “Milli” is owned and handled by newcomer Lee Dosier from Wisconsin. Milli was braced with Shiloh’s Wisdom handled by Tomczak. This brace also was a shootout with both dogs hunting hard and fast and taking edges well. Milli did an excellent job hunting the creek bottoms and ravens to the front and ran the more mature course of the two. Milli also finished stronger of the two and appeared in great shape showing good bottom. This will be an exciting dog for Lee and we all hope to see him and Milli again.
The decisions from all the judges were well received and again thanks are in order for their attentiveness to each and every dog and handler even in the worst of weather. They were all a class act. The NVA would like to thank all that participated and looks forward to this classic being a Championship next year.