Registering a trial with the American Field is as simple as submitting the information via e-mail. You can find the requirements at the American Field website.
As more and more clubs wish to recognize the importance of dual registering their weekend trials, the National Vizsla Association wishes to supply the field trial secretaries with the information required to cross-register those trials. Below, you will find an example of what the Show Me Vizsla Club used to complete this process. Cross-Registering weekend trials with the American Field is relatively easy. The field trial secretary (or any person wishing to pay for the advertisement) will want to supply the advertisement to the American Field by one of two ways: email or by fax (312) 663-5557. Although it is not necessary, the preferred format for submission of the advertisement is a Microsoft Word document; alternatively, the submission may be made via email with "text only" formatting. The approximate cost for registration and advertisement of a typical weekend trial is approximately $90 and includes the publication of results in the American Field newsletter. As can be seen on the American Field sample advertisement, the bill will be sent to the requested party under "Billing Information for Advertisement". When the SMVC first dual registered their trial, Dustin Ochs offered to pay for their advertisement and registration with the American Field; if the club is paying for the advertisement, you can provide the billing information for the field trial secretary or the club treasurer. It should be noted that "Limited" stakes in AKC trials are referred to as "Restricted" in the American Field trials and that the "Gun Dog" stakes in AKC trials are referred to as "Shooting Dog" in the American Field trials. So, if your club is holding an "Amateur Limited Gun Dog", the American Field advertisement should read as "Amateur Restricted Shooting Dog". As can be seen in the example, the retrieving stakes are denoted separately for each stake. Good luck in your field trial adventures and if you should have any questions, please contact Dustin Ochs during normal business hours Monday through Friday by phone (620) 343-6621) and he would be happy to assist your club with dual-registering your weekend AKC trial with the American Field. On a separate note, the American Field may be contacted by telephone (312) 663-9797 and ask for Advertising) to answer any additional questions. Finally, advertisements for publication and recognition by the American Field must be submitted 30 days prior to the first advertised day of the trial in order to allow for formatting, printing, and mailing of the magazine/newsletter.
Download the sample submission for reference (DOC - 28 KB)