2007 National Open Championship Results
NC Winners: Kal Cam’s Calamidy Jane with Owner Gordon Long and Onpoints Full O Gusto with Handler Barry Bassingthwaitte. Standing: Handler Daniel Burjan, and Judge Jim Michaeletz and Judge Conrad Plevnic
Winner: FC Kal Cam's Calamidy Jane
Sire: 2xNFC 2xNAFC FC AFC Fieldway's Jack Daniels
Dam: NFC Rebel Rouser Sackett
Owner: Gordon Long
Handler: Daniel Burjan
Breeder: Gordon Long
Runner Up: NAFC NGDC FC AFC Onpoint's Fulluv Gust O
Sire: Semper Fi Gust O Wind
Dam: Onpoint's X-Rayted
Owner: Barry Bassingthwaighte
Handler: Barry Bassingthwaighte
Breeder: John Reid
2007 National Amateur Championship Results
Winner: Flowerstep Pelda
Sire: Fieldways Entertainer
Dam: FC Berry's Viva Shotgun Meetah
Owner: Jim Blumentritt
Handler: Jim Blumentritt
Breeder: Jim Blumentritt
Runner Up: FC AFC Homerun's Stunt Pilot
Sire: FC AFC Grand Slam Sam
Dam: DC AFC Desert Storm's Jet Tripper NA
Owner: Stephanie Russo, DVM
Handler: Stephanie Russo, DVM
Breeder: Stephanie Russo, DVM
2007 Derby Classic Results
Derby Winners: Handler Mike Lundy with Touchdown Kid, Scout Steve Whitney with Staying Alive, Scout Bryan Long with Foofur. Standing: Judge Fred Smith, Judge Conrad Plevnic, Darlene and Lauren Lundy, and Handler Dustin Ochs with Kager Ochs.
Winner: Touchdown Kid
Sire: FC Tommy Boy
Dam: Showtime
Owner: Mike Lundy
Handler: Mike Lundy
Breeder: Mike Lundy
Runner Up: Staying Alive
Sire: FC Tommy Boy
Dam: Showtime
Owner: Mike Lundy
Handler: Mike Lundy
Breeder: Mike Lundy
2nd Runner Up: Foofur
Sire: 2xNACh RU_NCh Hawk's Pappomatic
Dam: Copper Creek Lexi
Owner: Dustin Ochs
Handler: Dustin Ochs
Breeder: Dustin Ochs
The National Vizsla Association held its 13th National Championship near Grovespring, Missouri from March 19 thru 24 of 2007. The Sportsmen’s Association grounds have been home to this trial since 2001. The National Vizsla Association (NVA) events began with the 11th Running of its National Amateur Championship followed by the National Derby Classic and concluded with the National Championship.
The NVA has many hard working members including, but not limited to, Robert Tomczak, Dustin Ochs, Ray Cooper and Mike and Darlene Lundy that worked hard organizing this trial. In addition to their time the Lundy’s truck doubled as the dog wagon which was driven by Gordon Long. A local, JP Jones, handled the bird planting duties. Joanne Covey and her crew did an outstanding job of running the kitchen and providing delicious meals throughout the week. Will Langley & Ken of Bottom Creek Farms made the trip from Michigan a second year to wrangle horses and their attention to the riders needs was appreciated by everyone.
The Drawing was conducted at the clubhouse on the eve of the trial, March 18. It was conducted by Dustin Ochs, Darlene Lundy, Robert Tomczak & Greg Konan. A record number of 85 entries were drawn for this premier event and for the first time the trial needed a sixth day to complete. The conditions were dry at the start of the trial and the rain that came was welcomed. Quail were released during the trial to augment those coveys already established.
The large number of entries showed through the attendance of nine professional handlers from all over the country and Canada: John Reid of Ontario, Daniel Burjan of New Jersey, Dan Long of Ohio, Jim Searles from California, Bryan Long of Missouri, Mark Smith of Wisconsin, Diane Vater and Chuck Cooper of Pennsylvania, Jerry Jordan of Iowa, and Greg Dixon of Wisconsin. It was nice to see original board members Hank and Betty Rozanek and Sonny and Verla Mortenson attend the trial.
The commencement of the National Amateur Championship began on Monday and concluded on Tuesday. The weather changes during this stake were like night and day. Monday brought fair to mostly sunny conditions with the temperature reaching the 70’s. Tuesday brought a steady rain that limited bird work. A record 25 dogs from around the country as well as Canada were drawn. Flowerstepp Pelda (Pelda) was named winner for owner and handler Jim Blumentritt of Tiki Island, TX. Homerun’s Stunt Pilot (Fly) was named Runner-Up for owner and handler Stephanie Russo of Lexington Ky. This was Pelda’s and Fly’s first trip to the winner’s circle for this National event. The judges were Ken Chenoweth and Fred Smith. Their decision was well received by all.
The National Derby Classic began on Wednesday, March 21st with the weather clearing and turned to sunny conditions that became quite hot as the day went on. The National Derby Classic finished Thursday morning with cooler conditions. A record 32 dogs were drawn for this event. Littermates Touchdown Kid (Diamond) was named winner and Staying Alive (Paul) was named runner-up for owner Mike Lundy of Edgerton KS. Third place went to Foofur (Foof) for owner and handler Dustin Ochs of Emporia KS. Fred Smith and Conrad Plevnic, who presided over this stake, were impressed with the quality of the young dogs in this stake – many of which will run again next year including the winner and runner-up.
Thursday at noon the National Championship began. Once the morning haze burned off the day was hot and humid with peak temp hitting low 80’s. Friday morning brought a mixture of weather. The morning was humid and the afternoon brought a light rain. A record 28 dogs were drawn for this event. Kal-Cams Calamity Jane (Callie) emerged as the winner. She is owned by Tracy and Gordon Long of Millersville, PA and handled by Daniel Burjan. Callie who also won this event in 2005 impressed Judges Conrad Plevnic and Jim Michaeletz.
The NVA would like to thank their sponsors and contributors for there generous support of this prestigious championship. Their support and dedication make this trial a quality event. Nestle-Purina contributed Pro Plan Performance Dog Food to the winners of each stake along with financial assistance to make this trial possible. Tritronics donated collars to the winner of the Open Championship and Amateur Champion. Leather Saddle Bags & Scabbard from Christies Enterprises for the winner and runner up in the Derby were donated by Ray Cooper. Sonny & Verla Mortenson made a donation for the cash purse in the Derby. Many thanks is also given to all those individuals who made contributions to the trophy fund for this event.
FLOWERSTEP PELDA (Pelda) found her way into the winners circle from the fifth brace of the first day for owner and handler Jim Blumentritt. She broke away on course one near Island Field. She opened with a big move that took her to Horse Killer Hill. Her hard hunting was rewarded with a find at 35 on the edge of the ditch in Melvin Bottoms. She exhibited excellent style and manners. After disappearing to the front in Sycamore Bottoms she was found standing in a briar patch on the hillside by scout Will Cooper with her brace mate Kansas backing. Birds were flushed with all in order. Time was called near the hay barns with her moving to the front. She displayed good ground speed, stamina, and carriage for the hour.
HOMERUN’S STUNT PILOT (Fly) took the runner-up title for owner and handler Stephanie Russo with a solid performance and excellent bird work in the eighth brace. She ran a more moderate race than the winner but continued hunting to the end. She broke away on course two in Melvin Bottoms. She hit the edges hard and was rewarded with a covey find at 10 in the ditch at the end of Sycamore Bottoms. She displayed excellent style and manners. At 23 she had her second covey find on top of the hill by the hay barns with bracemate Foofur backing. Again she exhibited flawless manners. The heat took its toll and she shortened as she finished behind camp but was still hunting. She displayed the best bird work of the stake.
BRACE 1: REMEK’S RED STORM RISING (Skip Wonnell) – ONPOINTS HAULIN THUNDER (Julie Larue) Jaks started out hitting the edges and was rewarded with a find at 7. A single bird was produced with all in order. Jaks struck again at 14 just before you cross the creek the second time. Birds flew before the handler could get to the dog. The dog remained steady. Just before Davis Bottoms Jaks had his third find at 23. He displayed good manners. He finished the hour strong and finished short. Haulin made a good opening move. She hunted hard but failed to back Jaks at 23 and was picked up. She displayed good range and speed.
BRACE 2: STELLA ARTOIS (Dustin Ochs) – BARBEN’S MARTINI WITH A TWIST (Wayne James) The brace began in Melvin Bottoms. Point was called at 18 for Stella in the field prior to Sycamore Bottoms on the left side. With everything in order they moved on. Both dogs were picked up at 41 as they were not pleasing there handlers. Both dogs did not display the desired range.
BRACE 3: REBEL ROUSER T-REX (Ray Cooper) – HOMEAGAIN’S ISLAND TIME HUNTER (Bill Linnig) Brace three started by the pond near the hay barns. Rex had a find at 15 along a fence line with manners in order. Rex struck again at 48 behind camp in a briar patch with Hunter backing. Rex was a little loose in his bird work when the handler worked the bird and was picked up. Rex ran a good race and had several large casts. Hunter started out strong making some big sweeping casts. At times he got out of pocket. He hunted hard for the hour and finished strong behind Daugherty’s place moving forward. Despite his efforts he did not have any bird contact for the hour.
BRACE 4: ONPOINTS SMART ACT (Barry Bassingthwaite) – SAGINAW DIAMOND DAN (Mark Johnson). The brace began across the road on course three. Blaise was picked up at 18 by his handler for not performing to handler’s expectations. Dan started out the hour strong making several nice casts. At times he looked for guidance from his handler. He finished in Island Field without bird contact. This young dog has a bright future.
BRACE 5: ONPOINTS FULL OF GUSTO (Barry Bassingthwaite) – FLOWERSTEP PELDA (Jim Blumentritt) Pelda’s hour was described earlier. Kansas opened with a nice move that took her to the base of Horse Killer Hill. She continued hunting hard and was rewarded with a find at 36 beneath a cedar tree. Birds released before the handler could get to his dog with all in order. She made a nice move in Sycamore Bottoms and was found backing Pelda at 53. She finished the hour in the shoot heading towards the hay barns.
BRACE 6: FLOWERSTEP EHROS (Jim Blumentritt) – HOMEAGAIN”S LITTLE RED DOT (Bill Linnig) Brace six broke away after lunch on course one. Both dogs opened big with Dot striking first at 7 on right side before the creek crossing the first time with Ehros backing. All was in order. Dot struck again at 15 at the right side before the second creek crossing. They finished the hour in Melvin Bottoms. As time went on Dot’s race got stronger and more consistent. Ehros had a stop to flush in a creek bottom at 16. Ehros finished the hour strong moving forward.
BRACE 7: ONPOINTS BRUTUS BEEFCAKE (Barry Bassingthwaite) - ONPOINTS GRAND FINALE (Julie Larue) Taren began on course two hunting nicely. At 12 near cedar trees she stopped when the first bird flushed but could not contain herself when a covey released thus ending her bid. Brutus started out stronger than Taren but was picked up at 13 after his handler noticed him limping at 13.
BRACE 8: FOOFUR (Dustin Ochs) – HOMERUN’S STUNT PILOT (Stephanie Russo) Fly’s hour was described earlier. Foofur began his hour in the field before Sycamore Bottoms. He grabbed some edges and began hunting. At 23 he nicely backed Fly. Point was called at 34 near the Bull Pasture. After several relocations a non productive was taken. He shortened as his hour came to a close.
BRACE 9: THE CHEROKEE’S LITTLE RED RASCAL (Robert Tomczak) - COPPER CREEK LEXI (Dustin Ochs) This was the first brace of day two and broke away on course one. Rascal opened up with a large move and continued moving forward. Rascal bumped a bird at 27 ending his day. Dustin Ochs handled Lexi for owner Mike Lundy. Lexi ran a smart forward race hugging edge and finished the hour strong. She did not have bird contact for the hour. Her race would have put her in contention had she had bird work during the hour.
BRACE 10: ONPOINTS HITMAN (Barry Bassingthwaite) – HILLBILLIES SHILOH HOLY MAN (Forrest McPherson) Both dogs opened up nicely hunting hard. At 20 point was called for Holy Man (Deacon) on the right side of the field prior to Sycamore Bottom. Hitman (Sam) failed to back and was picked up. While the handler was working the bird Deacon decided to self relocate and was picked up.
BRACE 11: ONPOINTS SPINNING AXEL (Barry Bassingthwaite) – POINT BLANC’S RUSTY MIRACLE (Robert Tomczak) The brace broke away at the beginning of Sycamore Bottoms. Both dogs ran with good speed and application. At 20 Axel stuck a bird along a fence line. Duke failed to back and was picked up. Axel handled the bird with great style and intensity. Axel had his second find at 59 behind Daugherty’s. The birds released as the handler rode up. Axel did not move and time was called.
BRACE 12: ONPOINTS TUFF STUFF (Barry Bassingthwaite) – THE CHEROKEES JASMINE (Robert Tomczak) The running resumed after lunch on course one. Tuffy took some time to get settled in but pointed at 40 at the base of Horse Killer Hill. She shortened near the end as time was called. Jasmine started out very big and struck at 7 with good style. She continued forward making very large casts. She rimmed Davis Bottom on the right side and continued into Island Field and disappeared to the front. After a lengthy disappearance she was found running the fence line on top of Horse Killer Hill. She finished the hour strong. She had a few lapses in her hour but ran the biggest race of the stake.
BRACE 13: ONPOINTS FARLEY’S GOT SOUL (Barry Bassingthwaite) Farley opened up big in Sycamore Bottom down the right side and hunted the ditch at the end. He continued moving forward as point was called at 24 in a cut by the hay barns. As the handler worked the birds Farley relocated himself ending his bid.
TOUCHDOWN KID (Diamond) won this stake for his owner/handler Mike Lundy of Edgerton, Kansas who also took the runner-up honors with STAYING ALIVE (Paul). FOOFUR (Foof) rounded it out by placing third for owner Dustin Ochs of Emporia, Kansas and handled by Bryan Long of Maryville, Missouri.
Diamond won this stake by exhibiting a strong, powerful, and forward race. He appeared in the thirteenth brace using the latter portion of course two. He put enthusiasm into his hunting effort and was rewarded with a find. He demonstrated excellent range. Paul took second appearing in the second brace. He exhibited the same traits of the winner but not to the same level. Foofur rounded out the placement with third. He appeared in the last brace. He had a bird find at 7 and demonstrated good manners for a young dog. He ran an attractive pattern with good speed and carriage.
KAL-CAMS CALAMIDY JANE (Callie) easily won this stake. She appeared in the fifth brace of the championship and was handled by Daniel Burjan for owner Gordon Long of Millersville PA. Her brace began on top of Horse Killer Hill and ended beyond the hay barns. From the beginning she impressed with her application and desire to find game. Her race was forward, showing far ahead and hunting the cover. The temperature was in the upper 70’s at the breakaway off its high of 85. After a big move in Sycamore Bottoms she was found standing at 18 after the ditch on point with her bracemate. A divided find was ruled and the birds were flushed by Burjan and both handlers fired. Both dogs exhibited excellent style and manners. Callie made a cast down the fence line on top the hill by the pond and disappeared to the front with bracemate in tow. As the handlers rode up point was called at 33 by Burjan. Again she was found standing with bracemate and a divided find was ruled. Burjan worked the bird with Callie exhibiting excellent style and manners. Callie finished the hour strongly moving forward. She exhibited superb application, style, manners and delivered a near flawless performance.
The runner-up ONPOINTS FULL O GUSTO (Kansas) appeared on course one in the first brace of the final day of the trial. After the breakaway Kansas quickly struck 10 on the left side just before you cross the creek. Two birds flushed before the handler Barry Bassingthwaite of Canada could reach his dog. As he fired a third bird released. All was in order. At 16 at divided find was called with her brace mate. She exhibited good style. Kansas backed her brace mate at 22 in the cut prior to Davis Bottoms. Kansas struck again at 30 on the right side of the cut at the end of Davis Bottom with Tink backing at 30 yards. Kansas carded her fourth find along the left side of Vacuum Hollow again exhibiting good style and manners. She made a nice move through Island Field. At 58 point was called for her brace mate with Kansas backing in Melvin Bottoms. After the bird was flushed time was called. During the hour Kansas got stronger hunting her edges smartly, exhibited good style and intensity on her bird work garnering her runner-up honors.
BRACE 1: THE CHEROKEES MISS OAKLEY (Jim Searles) – ONPOINTS TUFF STUFF (John Reid) Oakley broke away on course one after lunch to begin the championship. The sun was out and temperatures were rising fast. Oakley opened up large and encountered a raccoon at 11 with Tuffy. Both handlers were able to keep there dogs at bay. Once past this situation Oakley opened up and made a large sweeping cast along the portion where course one and three share, she proceeded to take Davis Bottoms in one cast and disappeared. She was found in the far left corner digging around. A bird popped she stood for a moment but could not resist the chase ending her bid at 28. She looked great up until this point. Tuffy never settled in a groove and was picked up at 13 by the handler.
BRACE 2: SAGINAW DIAMOND DAN (Mark Johnson) – HOMEAGAIN”S ISLANDTIME HUNTER (Dan Long) With the temperature nearing 85 the dogs broke away at the cut in Davis Bottoms. Dan immediately cut to the right down hedgerow and went on point in the corner at 1. He handled the bird nicely and moved on. He made a nice move in Island Field. He finished the hour short as the heat took its toll on this promising young dog. Hunter started out with his usual running shoes moving forward. His efforts were rewarded at 35 to the right of the big sycamore tree. Two birds were flushed by the handler and he was moved on. At the end of Sycamore Bottom he bumped a bird and was picked up by his handler.
BRACE 3: ONPOINTS HITMAN (Barry Bassingthwaite) – REMEK ROZALIA’S RED MOON Bryan Long) Both dogs started out nice, Sam being the stronger of the two but both withered in the heat and were picked up at 39. Neither dog had bird contact.
BRACE 4: FOOFUR (Bryan Long) – ONPOINTS BRUTUS BEEFCAKE (Barry Bassingthwaite) The brace began on course one. Foofur was picked up at 11. He had run in the Derby Classic earlier that day. Brutus started out strong and forward. At 28 he had a stop to flush at the end of Davis Bottom. Brutus began to tire and was picked up by the watering hole on top of Horse Killer Hill.
BRACE 5: KAL-CAM’S CALAMIDY JANE (Dan Burjan) – ONPOINTS SPINNING AXEL (Barry Bassighwaite) Callie’s brace was described earlier. Axel opened up nicely and dug in right away. At 18 he was found standing with Callie at the end of Sycamore Bottom. A divided found was ruled. Axel displayed superb style and manners. Again along the fence line a divided find at 33 was ruled. Again superb style and manners were displayed. He finished the brace strong. Axel did not show the range or independence of his brace mate.
BRACE 6: HOMEAGAIN’S LITTLE RED DOT (Dan Long) – STELLA ARTOIS (Bryan Long) After some showers overnight, the brace began Friday morning at 8am on course one. Dot opened up big and scored quickly at 5 on the right side of the opening field. Just after entering Davis Bottom on the left side by a cedar tree Dot carded her second find at 20. After a nice move in Davis Bottom she had her third find at 26 to right of the cut. The handler went in to flush the birds and four birds popped up towards Dot. The handler tried to caution his dog but she rocked back and sat. The handler elected to keep her down and at 52 point was called on top of Horse Killer Hill. After a relocation effort Dot failed to re-establish point so a nonproductive was taken. She finished strong and showed a good ground effort throughout the hour. Stella never was able to settle in and was picked up at 10.
BRACE 7: BERRY’S TAKING CHANCES (Diane Vater) – KAL-CAMS GO GIRL (Dan Burjan) Lotto quickly disappeared to the front and was found running the left edge in the field prior to Sycamore Bottom. She got to close to a covey of birds and was picked up. Suzie made a nice move in Sycamore Bottom and continued up toward the hay barns. At 32 she had a stop to flush along the fence line. After being cast off, about 100 yards later she went on point again. After a relocation effort a nonproductive was taken. Again she was cast off and about 100 yards again went on point. A bird was produced this time. Throughout all this she displayed good manners and style. She made a huge finishing cast to end the hour past the hay barns. She got stronger during the hour.
BRACE 8: OMEGA (Jerry Jordan) – FLOWERSTEP PELDA (Jim Blumentritt) Omega finished the hour with no bird contact. His range was moderate and pattern a little inconsistent. Pelda also finished the hour with no bird contact. She attractively ran her edges and showed greater range than her brace mate.
BRACE 9: ONPOINTS GRAND FINALE (Julie Larue) – FLOWERSTEP EHROS (Jim Blumentritt) Taren quickly scored at 5 in Davis Bottom. After sweeping through Island Field she disappeared to the front with her brace mate. She was found backing Ehros at the top of the stone cut on the road the dog wagon uses. At 23 Taren was found standing with Ehros backing on the right side heading up to Horse Killer Hill. She had a stop to flush at 47 in Melvin Bottom. Taren went on point at 51 on the left side of the field near the creek crossing prior to Sycamore Bottom. After a relocation effort a nonproductive was taken. At 58 she was found standing on the left side of Sycamore Bottom near a briar patch. Again after a relocation effort a nonproductive was taken and time was called. Ehros scored his first find at 19 with Taren backing. And at 23 he returned the favor and backed her. He scored his second find in Melvin Bottom in the ditch. He stayed to the right and carded his third find at 49. With the bird beneath him he showed great manners. His fourth find came at 57 minutes to the right of the big sycamore tree and after flushing time was called.
BRACE 10: ONPOINTS BRAVO THUNDER ROLLS (Julie Larue) – BERRY’S BAD BOY (Jerry Jordan) The brace broke away after lunch on course one and a light rain had begun. Haulin opened up making some large sweeping moves forward. At 19 point was called for Haulin. During the flush she lost her composure. She continued into Davis Bottom and bumped a bird at 27. Haulin ran an excellent race and displayed excellent ground speed. Gus had his first find at 18 just before the pond on the left side. He showed good style, however when the handler went to flush he took a couple of steps. He carded his second find at 28 at the beginning of Davis Bottom, A single bird was produced. His third find came at the end of Davis Bottom at 32. He finished the hour shorter than he began. He displayed good range but needed better application.
BRACE 11: POINT BLANC’S RUSTY MIRACLE (Carrie Syczylo) – OAKLEAF’S RUNNING DOWN A DREAM (Mark Smith) The brace began in Melvin Bottom. Thomas hunted his way up to the Bull Pasture and point was called. The handler produced a large snake instead of a bird. He had no bird contact for the hour. He opened up at moderate range and finished moving forward at closer range. Duke opened up motoring. He went left at the end of the chute and disappeared. After a 12 minute absence his scout got him back out front. After a nice move through the Bull Pasture, he went towards the hay barns. Point was called at 55 on the left side. He was relocated and re-established point. A dedicated flushing effort produced a single bird. About a minute after he was cast away time was called. Duke had good range, finished strong, and came close to garnering a placement.
BRACE 12: THE CHEROKEE’S SANTA NELLA SAM (Jim Searles) – KEYSTONE UPWIND DOUBLEDIPITY (Greg Dixon) Sam was picked up at 6 by his handler. He was not up to his handlers expectations. Jeb started out at moderate range. He continued hunting after crossing the road and point was called near Graveyard Draw after a relocation effort a nonproductive was taken. Jeb was picked up at 19 by his handler.
BRACE 13: ONPOINTS FULL O GUSTO (Barry Bassingthwaite) – SEMPER FI TOP BRASS (Jim Searles) Kansas’s hour was described earlier. Tink started the day Saturday morning at 8am on course one. A divided find at 16 was called on the right side after crossing the creek the second time. He displayed good manners and style. On the left side before entering Davis Bottom he had his second find with his brace mate backing. After a lengthy flushing attempt birds were produced and they moved on. Tink carded his third find at 58 in a ditch located in Melvin Bottoms with his brace mate backing. Time was called after the birds were flushed. Tink displayed good manners and style he ran a shorter race than of his brace mate.
BRACE 14: ONPOINTS SLY COYOTE (Jim Searles) – ONPOINTS FARLEY’S GOT SOUL (Barry Bassingthwaite) Two started out a little unsure of himself. He then settled in and scored a find at 30 along a fence line with his brace mate backing. He displayed good style during the flush he continued hunting and disappeared behind Daugherty’s place as time was called. He was found standing in the middle of a briar patch. When the judges road over to see the dog, he was seen moving. Farley opened up with a nice cast down the left side of Sycamore Bottom. At 30 he backed his brace mate along a fence line. He displayed good style. Just as you finish the Bull Pasture and head up to the hay barns Farley went on point at 39. A covey of 6 to 8 birds exploded. Farley showed his veteran manners and did not budge. He finished his hour strong and moving forward near the pond just before you cross the road.