To promote the betterment of the Vizsla breed as a high class pointing breed.
To encourage the breeding of pure breed Vizslas for improved stamina and hunting prowess.
To conduct Field Trials with consistent high standards of judging which test the Vizsla for its keen desire to hunt.
To form member clubs for those purposes stated above.
To hold National Events;
- The NVA will conduct an annual National Championship Stake to determine the NVA National Champion.
- The NVA will conduct an annual National Amateur Championship Stake to determine the NVA National Amateur Champion.
- The NVA will conduct an annual Derby Classic.
- The NVA National Events Trials will be run on grounds suitable for displaying the performance of a high class pointing breed, and will be conducted under a minimum one hour judgement.
- The grounds for the National Events will be selected by the Officers and Board of Directors of the NVA.
- At each of the NVA Nationals Events a winner and runner-up may be named at the discretion of the judges.
The qualifications requirements for entry into the NVA National Events are as follows:
- All entrants must have a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd placement in an American Field or AFTCA All Age or Shooting Dog stake or Derby Stake. For any win to be recognized with American Field, all dogs must be registered with American Field. There will be no qualifications on the Derby Classic and Amateur Championship except that for the win to be recognized by the FDSB, the dog must be American Field registered.
The National Vizsla Association is a member of the Amateur Field Trial Clubs of America. Learn more about AFTCA