Does my dog have to be Field Dog Stud Book registered to enter the NVA Nationals?

Your dog should be FDSB registered in order to compete at the NVA Nationals as one of the requirements for the NFC is a "recognized AF or AFTCA" placement. As a minimum, the registration for the dog to run in Derby classic and NAFC should be submitted to the FDSB. Upon receiving a placement, the owner of the dog can contact the AF and receive a FDSB number to be used on the recorded win.

What is the course like and how long are the braces at Grove Spring, MO?

Each brace of both the National Championship and National Amateur Championship are 60-minute heats. The braces of the Derby Classic are 30 minutes each. The courses for each of the events comprise three (3) continuous hours of course which only passes the clubhouse on one occasion. The Sportsmen's Association grounds are comprised of approximately 2,800 acres of rolling "Ozark" hills.

Course #1: The first 45 minutes is straight away down a chute which then makes a sweeping hairpin and goes through two (2) fields and up "horsekiller hill" at approximately the 50 minute mark. The remaining 10 minutes are crossing a field and going back down a smaller hill to finish in another chute.

Course #2: The breakaway is generally up a smaller hill and across the top of a hill taking a 90 degree turn at the 5 minute mark to continue across the top of the hill and back down into a chute. The next 15 minutes are spent in a bottom (chute) and the course makes a sweeping left hand turn into a small and short chute that opens up into a draw that runs about ½ of a mile through the course and ends in the "bull pasture". The bull pasture is usually comprised of a long sweeping left hand turn that ends begins a swing to the right over the course of the next ¾ of a mile and continues through 4 separate pastures. The last 5-10 minutes, we come down a hill and proceed immediately back up another hill and along the top and back down as we pass through/beside camp. Generally speaking, Course #2 ends as we pass camp.

Course #3: The break away is right above (west) of camp on top of the hill. The course heads west along the top of the hill with a draw on the left and timber on the right for approximately ¼ of a mile before heading back south around the top of a pond. The course then crosses course #2 as it goes down the hill and makes a sweeping left hand turn through a chute and almost immediately makes a right hand turn to head over the hill and through a draw and back up over the hill. Of the 3 courses, this is the most detracting point of the grounds. As we come up out of the draw at the 15 minute mark, the course follows the top of a hill and down to the foot of the hill, past a pond, and through a gate to meet up with Course #1. As the course approaches Course #1, it will make a left hand turn and parallel course #1, but on the other side of the creek. At the 55 minute mark, it crosses the creek at the breakaway of course #1 and heads up and away from the breakaway to finish.

What is the AFTCA?

The AFTCA is an acronym for the Amateur Field Trial Club of America. Think of the AFTCA as a separate entity that is recognized by the Field Dog Stud Book/American Field. The three are all intertwined together. The AFTCA governs "amateur win certificates" for the American Field. For additional information, you can view their website at