Jarrett Bell, Allison Bell with BGKs White Lightning, Judge Jon Small, Chair Justin Hess, Judge Adam Delude, Chad Chadwell, Nancy Browne with Another Mai Tai Please
The 2020 NVA Midwest shooting dog and Gary Jagoda Derby classic was held at The Bird Dog Ranch in Thayer Iowa for the second year. Judging this year was Adam Delude of Campbellsport WI who campaigns pointers and filling in for Tony King was Jon Small. Jon stepped at the 11th hour and filled in; both judges time was greatly appreciated.
Justin Hess and Paul Howard took over as co-chairs for this event from longtime Chair Chad Chadwell. With the pandemic in full effect some favorite actives were missed but from my seat everyone had a great time. It truly takes a village to run and a trial and we would like to thank everyone involved with making this a smooth event.
Purina as always stepped up to the plate awarding food to the winner and runner up. Their continued support is always appreciated. Garmin a long time NVA supporter donated devices to the winners.
The grounds at Thayer were in top shape the time and effort that goes into maintaining a Championship venue is greatly appreciated. Tommy and Linda Thomas were on hand to fill in wherever needed.
Brace 1: (Arya) Karen Concillio and (Ty) Chad Chadwell- The first brace of the event produced the runner up of the Midwestern Shooting Dog Championship, Ty who was run by Chad Chadwell and scouted by Nancy Browne. The brace broke away at 8:15 am after a short rain delay under very difficult conditions of cold driving rain that persisted throughout the day. Both dogs had a strong breakaway from the parking lot. Ty had his first find at 21 minutes just before the alfalfa field with Arya backing, Chad was able to produce a bird on the find and both dogs continued. Ty had his second and final find at 54 minutes right after the road crossing. Arya had a strong start to the brace but started to slow at 45 minutes as she struggled to stay warm in the cold rain, she finished the brace without bird work. Ty finished strong and fought hard the entire 60 minutes in difficult weather conditions, earning him the runner up award of the 2020 NVA Midwestern.
Brace 2: (Hatch) Elsa Gallagher and (Khaleesi) Karen Bravender- Brace 2 continued to deal with difficult weather conditions as the cold rain continued to fall and dogs dealt with cold, wet birds. The brace took off just before 9:30 am. Hatch went on point at 10 minutes with Khalessi backing, Elsa was unable to produce a bird on the find and both dogs continued the brace. Khaleesi went on to have her first find at 15 minutes in the middle of the crossing and worked it cleanly after Karen produced a bird on the find. Both dogs worked their way toward the road crossing where Hatch went on point for a second time at 30 minutes where a covey of 4-5 birds was produced. Khalessi was not seen after the road crossing and Karen pulled the tracker at 50 minutes. Hatch has his final find at 50 minutes and finished the hour.
Brace 3: (Mia) Chad Chadwell and (Scout) Brian Gingrich- The final brace of the morning took off at 10:45 am. Scout broke away hard to the front. At 2 minutes Scout went on point but Brian was unable to produce a bird and took a non productive. Scout again went on point at 20 minutes but took another non productive on the find. Both dogs finished the brace without bird work.
Brace 4: (Skippy) Mike Northwood and (Toby) Brian Gingrich- The fourth brace took off after lunch on Friday, as the rain began to move out of the area. Skippy and Toby both broke away hard to the front to start the brace. Toby was first found standing before the creek crossing at 15 minutes, Brian produced a bird and Toby continued forward. Toby was found standing for his second find at 30 minutes as both handlers came around to the silos. Toby continued on after the find, Skippy had not been seen on course leading up to the silos. Toby had his third find just after the alfalfa field but Brian was unable to produce a bird and decided to continue on taking a non productive on the find. At 40 minutes Skippy had not been seen for quite a while and Mike pulled the tracker ending his run. Toby was found standing for a final time after the road crossing on the left side but was picked up by handler after taking steps into the bird.
Brace 5: (Sawney) Laura Miller and (Citori) Jarrett Bell- The fifth brace broke away just after 2pm with very light drizzle but continued cold temperatures. Both dogs took off to the front to start the brace. Sawney was not seen after the breakaway and the tracker was pulled at 15 minutes. Citori had her first find after the road crossing at 20 minutes, a bird was produced and dog and handler continued forward. Citori was found standing to the front along the left side line just after the creek crossing at 45 minutes for her second find, after a little bit of work to produce the cold and wet bird, both dog and handler continued forward . Citori finished the hour with 2 finds.
Brace 6: (Stone) Brian Gingrich and (Ally) Chad Chadwell- The final brace of the afternoon took off just after 3pm. Stone had a strong forward break away but was unable to be located after the start of the brace and the tracker was pulled to end his run at 20 minutes. Ally had one find at 25 minutes, she was picked up by the handler during the find due to breach of manners.
Brace 7: (Sassy) Brian Gingrich and (Ray) Chad Chadwell- The first brace on Saturday morning took off at 8:00 am. Saturday brought easier conditions for the dogs with overcast skies but no rain. Ray was picked up by handler at 4 minutes on his first find. Sassy had her first find at 15 minutes on the right hand side after the first creek crossing, bird was produced and Sassy continued forward. Sassy had her 2nd find at 25 minutes along the left side tree line after the water tubs. Her third and final find was at 30 minutes. Brian elected to pick up at the road crossing, ending the brace.
Brace 9: (Louie) Bill Elliot and (Ginger) Ron Chenoweth- The final brace of the morning took off just before 11:30 am. After a strong forward break away, Louie was not seen again and the tracker was pulled just before the road crossing coming past the parking lot. Ginger was picked up at 35 minutes by the judges after not stopping on a wild pheasant covey along the left side before the road crossing.
Brace 10: (Charlie) Paul Howard and (Dutch) Brian Gingrich- The first brace of the afternoon on Saturday took off at 1 pm. Charlie was found on point at 15 minutes just after the creek crossing on the left side, the handler was unable to produce a bird on the find and went on taking a non productive. Both Charlie and Dutch made their way past the Silos and forward on course. At 20 minutes Charlie had a successful stop to flush on a 2-3 bird covey. Charlie went on point at 38 minutes after the road crossing, handler was able to produce a bird on the find but elected to pick up at 38 minutes at the parking lot. Dutch finished the hour.
Brace 11: (Briar) Justin Hess and (Trump) Brian Gingrich. Unfortunitly the reporters electronic device had a malfunction during this brace and nothing was recorded.
Brace 12: (Shaka) Chad Chadwell and (Enzo) Mike Northwood- both dogs picked up by handlers at 20 minutes without bird work.
Brace 13: (Smudge) Jarrett Bell and (Cinder) Brian Gingrich-The 13th brace broke away Sunday morning at 8 am and produced the winner of the Midwest Shooting Dog Championship in Smudge. Both Smudge and Cinder had strong break aways from the parking lot, racing down the left side toward the creek crossing. Smudge had a strong and mature forward race during the first half of the brace, she was found standing to the front along the left side for the first time at 30 minutes. Smudge had her second and final find at 36 minutes right after the final creek crossing on the left side. Smudge finished the brace going forward toward the silos. Cinder finished the hour but did not have bird work during the brace.
Brace 14: (Teddy) Jarrett Bell and (Red) Brian Gingrich- Brace 14 took off from the silos. Handler elected to pick Teddy up at 20 minutes. Red was lost on course and handler pulled the tracker to end the brace.
Brace 15: (Savage) Jarrett Bell and (Wren) Karen Bravender- Savage was found on point at 17 minutes next to the silos, handler was unable to produce a bird and elected to continue on with a non productive. At 20 minutes Savage went on point for the second time, he was picked up by handler for breach of manners. Wren was found on point for the first time at 23 minutes on the left side line after the road crossing, handler produced a bird on the find. Wren had his second find at 34 minutes on the right side next to the parking lot, bird produced on the find. Wren was picked up by handler to end the brace.
Brace 16: (Ember) Justin Hess- the final brace of the Midwestern. Ember had a strong breakaway to the front. She was found on point at 8 minutes in the right side line, handler produced a covey on the find and Ember continued on along the right side line going forward. At 14 minutes she had her second find in the forward line at the edge of the field with a bird produced on the find. At 40 minutes Ember was picked up for breach of manners during her third and final find in the right side tree line before the final creek crossing.
Gary Jagoda Derby Classic.
After finishing up the championship the derby started around 10 am. The hot and humid conditions made for a tough day. To say birds were at a premium would be an understatement. In the end CK Guys Jake handled by owner Ron Chenoweth had a strong forward race coming out on top. BGK Purdy Side By Side handled by owner Jarrett Bell took the runner up position with Against the Wind Maximus handled by Brian Gingrich and owned by Mark Sullivan taking 2nd Runner up.
By Natalie Howard
Judge Jon Small, Denise Chenoweth with CK Guys Jake, Ron Chenoweth, Chair Justin Hess, Allison Bell with BGKs Purdey Side by Side, Jarrett Bell, Cody Engelbretson with Against The Wind Maximus, Brian Gingrich, and Judge Adam Delude