National Vizsla Amateur Championship. Front Nancy Browne and Mike Northwood. Back Cory Englebretson, Burton Wice, Dan Mayer, Justin Hess, Mike Vicari, Rob Tomczak, Frank Vicari, Chad Chadwell, Karen Concillio, Todd Meyer, Paul Howard, Brandon Johnson, Brian Gingrich, Bill Stapleton, Jarrett Bell, Natalie Howard, Jill Howard, Ron Chenoweth.

 The National Vizsla Association National Amateur Championship, Derby Stake, and National Open Championship events were run sequentially on the Sportsmen's Association Field Trial Grounds in Grovespring, Mo. The Sportsmen's Field Trial Grounds are in the upper echelon of venues in the nation. The 2400 acres are groomed solely for field trials with feed strips lining the edges and thoughtful mowing of the fields. The courses have a natural flow and offer good cover for quail and for watching dogs. Pre-released and wild coveys of quail are plentiful here; supplemental birds planted during the trial are an added bonus and aid in bringing the resident coveys back on course. This year, the feed strips were extremely dense. Although this provided heavy cover for the quail, it also challenged handlers and scouts to locate dogs standing in the edges. As usual, three 1-hour braces (or six 30-minute braces) were run each morning and again each afternoon.

People gathered in the clubhouse for the drawing the night before the start of each respective stake. The NVA was fortunate to obtain quality judges for each stake and are described below for each stake. The competitions were scheduled to start at 8AM on Monday, March 7 with the National Amateur Championship. However, heavy rains and flooded creeks delayed the start until Monday afternoon. For the Amateur Championship and Derby stake, the short section of the course through Vacuum Hollow was eliminated and horses and dogs were taken through the dog wagon route from Davis Bottoms directly into the Island Field due to the deep and fast moving water in the regular creek crossing. Because the water in the creeks had receded, the section through Vacuum Hollow was utilized for the Open Championship. None of the stakes used the mountain at the far North end of course 3 and instead, horses and dogs were turned South back onto course 1 at the Breakaway Field after crossing the creek.

The members of the NVA worked well together and put on a smooth-running event. Justin Hess, field trial secretary, handled all of the paperwork and coordinated with the others as to who would take care of each day's duties. They made sure the judges and reporter had meals, snacks, transportation or anything else they needed or desired. This hospitality was greatly appreciated with many long days in the saddle. Brian Gingrich, Rob Tomzack, Paul Howard, Justin Hess, Mike Northwood, Chad Chadwell and Jarrett Bell helped plant birds each morning and afternoon. The results of their hard work were apparent as nearly all dogs had multiple finds during their time on the ground. Allison Bell was in charge of purchasing kitchen supplies and preparing or procuring meals and dog wagon snacks. Breakfast, lunch and snacks were always available in the clubhouse. Dinners were available on site or else everyone traveled the 20 miles to Lebanon to enjoy dinner and beverages in one of the many local restaurants. Numerous persons drove the dog wagon- a challenge this year because of the wet conditions on the course. Nancy Browne, Chad Chadwell and Ron Chenoweth and others donated items for auctions and raffles to help support the NVA. Purina donated large bags of Pro Plan Sport dog food for the winners and Garmin donated a Pro 550 advanced training system for the Champion. Dogs Unlimited and The Saddle Guy were also sponsors for this year's event. The NVA is very appreciative of the help and support received from all of these people and fine companies.

National Amateur Championship
The Amateur Championship was judged by Michael J. Vicari from Hampshire, IL and Brandon Johnson from Quinton, Va. The young Vicari comes from a multigenerational family of successful field trialers that trains and campaigns their own German Shorthairs. He has judged numerous stakes hosted by a variety of breed clubs. Mr. Johnson has been a professional dog trainer for over 10 years. He has trained numerous gundogs of many different breeds and specializes in Vizslas and Wirehaired Vizslas. Together, this duo evaluated the performances of 23 dogs.
Winner Ramblin Rivers Fire Woman (Cinder), owned and handled by Bill Stapleton, captured the title of 2022 NVA National Amateur Champion. Cinder was sired by Kick Em Up Bullet out of Kick Em Up Kimber. She ran Wednesday morning in brace 10 which was released in the Breakaway Field. Cinder ran a forward All-Age race and always showed in the right spots. When we arrived at the entrance to Davis Bottoms, the handler pointed out Cinder in the far right corner of the long field. When we arrived at 23, Cinder was pointing into the right edge of a feed strip and the handler flushed birds and fired with all in order. Cinder proceeded to the front, through the Island Field, and was then seen going on point at 37 far to the front on the right edge just before Horse Killer Hill. Cinder had a divided find just before the mountain in Little Vine Loop and finished very strong and far to the front on top of the mountain at the end of Little Vine Loop.

Runner-up Pele's Wiki Aloha Spinner (Shaka), handled by Chad Chadwell, was named NVA Runner-Up National Amateur Champion. Shaka was sired by C K Touchdown Kid out of Pele's Wiki Hawaiian Punch. Shaka ran on Tuesday afternoon in brace 7. Like the Champion, Shaka was released in the Breakaway Field on course 1. Shaka ran a smooth forward shooting dog race sticking to the edges and handling well. Shaka was found standing at 10 with her bracemate backing in the tree line just before the first creek crossing. Birds were flushed with all in order. Shaka moved forward on the edges and had a divided find at 16 in the last tree line before crossing the road into David Bottom. Shaka hunted the complete left edge of Davis Bottoms and was rewarded with a find at 25 at the far end of the field. After moving through the Island Field, Shaka took the right edge before Horse Killer Hill and had another find at 38. After going up Horse Killer Hill, Shaka had her 5th find at 44 along the treeline between the pond and the gate at Don Fox Hill. After going down from Apple Tree Hill, Shaka had her 6th find in the tree line at the entrance to Little Vine Loop and then finished forward on top of the mountain in Little Vine Loop.

The Running of the National Amateur Championship
Day 1
Brace 1: Ty/Chad Chadwell and Briar/Justin Hess. Due to a weather delay, the first brace of the Amateur Championship wasn't released from the Breakaway Field until noon. Ty had a consistent run for his full hour with a find at 15 before the first road crossing, a stop to flush at 48 on top of Apple Tree Hill and a third find at 55 at the entrance to Little Vine Loop. Both dogs were credited with a divided find at 23 at the far end of Davis Bottoms. Two unproductives dampened the judges' enthusiasm for Ty's overall performance. Briar stuck to the edges and made some nice casts. However, he tended to check back with the handler at the end of each section of the course and went into hunting mode after going up Horse Killer Hill. In addition to his divided find, Briar made a very nice cast along a feed strip on the right edge of Apple Tree Hill and was rewarded with a find at 48.

Brace 2: Sammy/Paul Howard and Stone/Bill Stapleton. Sammy got off to a fast start on the edges and went on point at 18 at the end of Sycamore Bottom. Unfortunately, the handler flushed and as the birds took flight, so did Sammy and his day was done. Stone was putting on a strong forward race and always showing to the front. At 23, he was found on point buried in the woods on the left edge halfway from Sycamore Bottom to the Twin Barns. Birds were flushed and the handler fired with all in order. After being released, Stone proceded to the front but this time he disappeared and the handler called for his tracker.

Brace 3: Cal/Chad Chadwell and Imre/Sean Anderson. Dogs were released near the start of course 3. Cal barely got out of the starting gate before he was seen under birds by the pond in the Clubhouse Loop and his day was done. Imre got off to a slow start in the heavy cover on the first part of course 3 and then opened up, stayed forward, handled well, and hunted hard for the remainder of his hour. He was rewarded with finds at 12 on the right edge in the Clubhouse Loop, 22 minutes buried on the thick briars just before entering the chute, 31 minutes at the end of Sycamore Bottom, and 33 minutes just before crossing the road at the Double Gates.
Day 2
Brace 4: Ray/Chad Chadwell and Bolt/Jarrett Bell. Dogs were released in the Breakaway Field at 8 AM. Except for a few zig zags in Davis Bottoms, Ray had a very nice shooting dog performance sticking to edges for his full hour. Along with Bolt, Ray was rewarded with a divided find at 16 just before the pond at the road crossing and was found backing Bolt at 25 in the tree line at the end of Davis Bottoms. Ray had additional finds just before Horse Killer Hill (37 minutes), near the gate at the top of Don Fox Hill (43 minutes) and at the entrance to Little Vine Loop (52). In addition to finds at 16 and 25, Bolt had one unproductive. Overall, his run was a little erratic.

Brace 5: All/Chad Chadwell and Toby/Jim Gingrich. Dogs were released at the end of Little Vine Loop. Ally had a find at the end of Sycamore Bottom but chased birds when she got to the fence line at the Twin Barns and her day was done. Toby had everyone sitting tall in the saddle- she handled kindly with a strong forward race at excellent range with a find at 29 by the Blue House, another just after being released, and a limb find in a feed strip along the road in the Bull Pasture. Toby was looking nice going through Clymers but unfortunately was not seen again after going up the hill at the beginning of Course 3.

Brace 6: Bella/Todd Meyer and Sassy/Bill Stapleton. Dogs were released just before the clubhouse parking lot. Bella started slowly working at modest range but made some very nice moves to finish her hour. She had a find at 3 by the pond, another in the tree line after crossing the road at the Double Gates, a third at 47 just before the first creek crossing on course 1 and 1 unproductive just before the road crossing onto Davis Bottoms. This was not Sassy's day and the handler elected to pick up Sassy before the hour was done.

Brace 7: Pyro/Justin Hess and (Skaka/Chad Chadwell. Dogs were released in the Breakaway Field. The performance of Shaka, Runner Up Champion, was detailed above. Pyro had a difficult time establishing a ground race. He had one find at 16 just before the cut through before the road into Davis Bottoms and 2 backs from a nice distance.

Brace 8: Arya/Karen Concillio and Kari/Jarrett Bel). Dogs were released below the mountain in Little Vine Loop. Kari was seen going up the mountain but was never seen coming down- the tracker was returned to the handler. Arya impressed the judges. After the breakaway, she was seen taking the far left corner on top of the mountain where she was found standing at 5. Birds were flushed with all in order. She continued forward and took the entire right edge in Sycamore Bottom and was rewarded with a find at 19 in the far tree line. This was followed by finds at 27 in the left edge halfway to the Twin Barns and another buried in the tall grass by the Blue House. Arya finished her hour just before the clubhouse.

Brace 9: Scout/Jim Gingrich and Savage/Jarrett Bell. Dogs were released just before the clubhouse. Scout had a find at 9 on the right edge by the pond at the far end of the Clubhouse Loop but the handler called for his tracker at 28. Savage worked for the handler at close range with unproductives at 4 and 30.
Day 3
Brace 10: Cinde/ Bill Stapleton and Trump/Ron Chenoweth. Dogs were released in the Breakaway Field. The performance of Cinder, 2022 National Amateur Champion, was detailed above. Trump worked his way forward but got hung up before the second creek crossing and again in the Island Field. He had a find just before the road crossing at 12 and a divided find at 52 just before the mountain in Little Vine Loop. Like Cinder, Trump was finishing strong and to the front on top of the mountain in Little Vine Loop and like Cinder, was not seen when time was called. Whereas Cinder was brought back from the front, Trump was found standing in thick briars on the far left edge before the final descent from the mountain- a handler's dream, or not. With the dog still under judgment, birds were seen in the air with Trump moving and his hour performance was negated.

Brace 11: Skippy/Mike Northwood and Smudge/Jarrett Bell. Dogs were released at the end of Little Vine Loop. Skippy had a find at 6 in a thick feed strip just before the entrance to Sycamore Bottom and a back 9 minutes. Overall, he worked at close range and got tired as he reached the Twin Barns. Smudge went on point at the 2 minute mark in the feed strip at the end of the first field but the handler could only produce feathers. Smudge then had a non-productive on the right edge at beginning of Sycamore Bottom. Moving toward the Twin Barns, Smudge took the left edge and was rewarded with a nice covey find at 21. After a short absence near the Twin Barns, Smudge proceeded through the Bull Pasture and then Clymers before heading up the hill on course 3 where the scout found him on point at 52 in the far right hand corner above the clubhouse. The handler flushed and fired although the judge never saw a bird. Overall, the judges were impressed with Smudge's performance but Smudge's application was not as consistent as those of the winners.

Brace 12: Lefty/Mike Northwood and BYE. Lefty ran as a bye in the last brace. He was released at the pond at the far end of the Clubhouse Loop. He had an inconsistent pattern and overall, was not pleasing his handler. He was returned to the dog wagon when we arrived at the Double Gates.
Grovespring, Mo., March 7
Judges: Brandon Johnson and Michael Vicari

Winner-RAMBLIN RIVERS FIRE WOMEN, 1665249, female, by Kick Em Up Bullet-Kick Em Up Kimber. Bill Stapleton, owner and handler.
Runner-Up-PELES WIKI ALOHA SPIRIT, 1663412, female, by C K Touchdown Guy-Peles Wiki Wiki Hawaiian Punch. Chad Chadwell & Nancy Browne, owners; Chad Chadwell, handler.

National Vizsla Derby Classic. Froront row: Denise Chenoweth, Justin Hess, Bill Stapleton. Back Ron Chenoweth, Brian Gingrich, Rob Tomczak, Brandon Johnson, sherry Ebert.

The Derby was a regular 30 minute stake judged by Brandon Johnson (See above) and Sherry Ebert of Mott, N. D. Ms. Ebert is world renowned for her role in training and campaigning the famed Smith Setters. She has judged numerous regional trials and Championships as well as National Championships. This duo evaluated the performances of 21 dogs. The first 6 braces ran Wednesday afternoon and the stake was completed Thursday morning.

The Derby was won by Wyatt, handled by Brian Gingrich, who ran in brace 8. Wyatt was released in the Island Field. He looked nice as he rimmed the left edge of the Island Field followed by the right edge below Horse Killer Hill. At 15, Wyatt had a nice find, with his bracemate backing, in the feed strip just before entering Little Vine Loop and another at the base of the mountain in Little Vine Loop. Hudson disappeared at time but showed to the front on the mountain in Little Vine Loop.

Runner-Up went to Kato, handled by owner Robert Tomczak. Kato ran in brace 6, handled well, exhibited excellent application and proper use of the wind, had a fast forward race on the edges, and went to all the right spots. Unfortunately, Kato ran on the beginning of course 1 for the second time in the afternoon and went birdless. In spite of this, this youngster clearly showed the excellent potential to become an adult champion.

Second runner-up to Tommy, handled by Brian Gingrich. Tommy ran as a bye in brace 4 and was released at the beginning of the Bull Pasture. Tommy was unfamiliar with the heavy cover in this section of the course and required some herding and a lot of handling to get him through the Bull Pasture but had finds at 8 and 12 on the left edge before reaching the pond at the far left end of the Bull Pasture. However, once Tommy went through the gate and entered Clymers, this youngster took advantage of the wide open section of the course and made impressive cast after cast until his strong finish heading toward the Clubhouse Loop.

The Running of the Derby
Day 1
Brace 1: Barney/Brian Gingrich and Rudy/Justin Hess. The first brace was released from the Breakaway Field Wednesday afternoon. Neither dog made good use of the first 20 minutes on the ground. Barney made some nice moves in Davis Bottoms and the Island Field but went birdless. Rudy was seen pointing birds in the far treeline in Davis Bottoms but his run remained inconsistent.

Brace 2: Ceba/Brian Gingrich and Chloe/Mike Northwood. Dogs were released in the Island Field. Ceba made some nice moves but overall failed to complete casts. Ceba had one non-productive but no finds. Chloe also made a few nice moves but overall spent a lot of time chasing bracemate Ceba.

Brace 3: Aspen/Dan Mayer and Sunny/Brian Gingrich. Dan is new to the field trial game and traveled a long distance from his home in Idaho to run Aspen in this stake. Dogs were released at the end of Little Vine Loop. Aspen hunted hard at moderate range his entire time on the ground. He rimmed the entire left edge of Sycamore Bottom and was one of the few dogs to rim either edge in this portion of the course. Aspen then took the left edge along the woods as the course headed toward the Twin Barns. At 27, Aspen had a divided find in a feed strip just before the fence row by the Twin Barns. Sunny got off to a rough start but settled down and made some nice moves and finished strong. He had one find at 11 in the right edge of Sycamore Bottom and finds at 20 and again at 27 on the left edge on the way to the Twin Barns.

Brace 4: Tommy/Brian Gingrich and (Bye). Tommy's performance was described above.

Brace 5: Ruby/Karen Concillio and Savy/Brian Gingrich. Dogs were released near the clubhouse. Ruby ran the edges and put on a strong ground race. Ruby was seen on point as we rode down the hill at the end of the Clubhouse Loop but upon arrival, she was pointing a deer carcass. After catching the front, Ruby took the right edge of the Chute. The handler called point and fired her gun but the judges did not see the dog standing or birds in the air. Savy worked at short range with an inconsistent pattern and went birdless.

Brace 6:(Rudy/Brian Gingrich and Kato/Robert Tomczak. Kato's performance was described above. Rudy frequently checked back with handler and went birdless.

Day 2
Brace 7: Daisy/Mike Northwood and Rain/Brian Gingrich. Dogs were released in the Breakaway Field. Both dogs worked at close range and seemed like they were new to the game.

Brace 8: Wyatt/Brian Gingrich and Hudson/Sean Anderson. Wyatt's performance was detailed above. Dogs were released in the Island Field. Hudson had a difficult time sticking to the edges. Although the handler fired his gun at 15, Hudson was credited with a back rather than a divided find. Hudson also sat after the birds were flushed.

Brace 9: Mesa/Brian Gingrich) and Copper/Robert Tomczak. Dogs were turned loose at the end of Little Vine Loop. Mesa worked at close range for his handler. Copper was doing a nice job on the ground but ran out of gas before his 30 minutes were finished. Both dogs were credited with a divided find at 9 minutes in the left edge of the last feed strip before heading into Sycamore Bottom and another at 29 near the Twin Barns.

Brace 10: Faith/Ron Chenoweth and Sia/Sean Anderson. Dogs were turned loose at the pond just beyond the Twin Barns. Both dogs worked at short range as they went through the Bull Pasture although Faith looked nice taking the far left edge around the pond at the far end of the Bull Pasture. Sia got stronger as he/she went through Clymers and was rewarded with a find in an island of trees at 15. Dogs finished their time on the ground near the clubhouse.
Brace 11: Hito/Brian Gingrich and (Bye). Hito was released on top of the hill at the far end of the Clubhouse Loop. She looked confused as what was happening and the handler elected to pick her up.
Judges: Sherry Ebert and Brandon Johnson

1st--C K GINGER'S COWBOY WYATT, 1696838, male, by Ruebens Rogue-C K Guy's Her N Spicey. Ron Chenoweth, owner; Brian Gingrich, handler.
2d-SHILOHS KATO MINDIOLA, 1697078, male, by Shilohs Roscoe-Shiloh's Alice In Wonderland. Kyle Mindiola, owner; Rob Tomczak, handler.
3d-BURR OAKS TOMMY, 1695151, male, by C K Touchdonw Guy-C K Touchdown Sassy. Jim Gingrich, owner; Brian Gingrich, handler.

The Running of the National Open Championship
Day 1
Brace 1: Flame/Brian Gingrich and Imre/Sean Anderson. The first brace was released from the Breakaway Field Thursday afternoon. Flame was next seen to the front at the first creek crossing and then found standing, with Imre backing, at 15 on the left edge after the second creek crossing. Dogs had a divided find at 18 in the feed strip just before crossing the road into Davis Bottoms. At 20, Imre was found standing with birds in the air- the judges were not sure if it was a find, a stop to flush or a bump. Imre made some nice moves but had trouble staying to the front. On the other hand, Flame rimmed the left edge in Davis Bottoms, took the treeline to the right edge and then completed this nice move by rimming the far field. After the Island Field, Flame took the right edge before Horse Killer Hill. At 47, both dogs crashed in the treeline after the top of Horse Killer Hill.

Brace 2: Scout/Brian Gingrich and Roscoe/Robert Tomczak. Dogs were released at the top of Don Fox Hill. Scout wasted no time getting down to business and went on point at 30 seconds by the Deer Stand on the left edge of Apple Tree Hill and at 9 in the first field in Little Vine Loop. After descending the mountain, Scout was not seen again until he was found standing at 32 in a feed strip near the Double Gates. Birds were flushed, the handler fired with all in order, and Scout was sent ahead. He had another find in the cover on the right side of the road before getting to the Twin Barns. Scout continued a strong forward race and finished far to the front in the Bull Pasture. His long absence after Little Vine Loop diminished the judges' enthusiasm for an otherwise very nice performance. Roscoe had a nice find in the feed strip just before entering Sycamore Bottom. After finishing Sycamore Bottom, Roscoe chased the trusted covey that hangs out on the left edge halfway to the Twin Barns and his day was over at 40.

Brace 3: Toby/Brian Gingrich and Trump/Ron Chenoweth. Dogs were released halfway through the Bull Pasture. Toby struggled on the ground, had non-productives at 18 and 40 and was picked up by his handler. Trump went missing in Clymers. After catching up with his handler, he went left at the entrance to course 3 when the course stayed right and was not seen again.
Day 2

Brace 4: Cinder/Bill Stapleton and Ally/Chad Chadwell. The 2022 National Amateur Champion also had everyone sitting tall in the saddle for the Open Championship. She had a strong forward race making nice moves just before the second creek crossing and continuing through Davis Bottoms where she had a find in the far tree line at 26. As the handler rode through Vacuum Hollow, Cinder went continued forward in the Island Field on the other side of the creek. Unfortunately, Cinder had a problem with her manners in the Island Field and her day came to a disappointing end. Ally had a nice ground race but was not as forward as the top dogs. She was found backing Cinder at 26 and crashed at 40 on the right edge before Horse Killer Hill.

Brace 5: Arya/Karen Concillio and Smudge/Jarrett Bell. Dogs were turned loose in light snow, strong winds, and cold temperatures at the top of Don Fox Hill. Smudge's performance was described above. Arya had a divided find at 9 in the last field before the mountain in Little Vine Loop but crashed after going down the mountain.

Brace 6: Stone/Bill Stapleton and Shaka/Chad Chadwell. Dogs were released at the beginning of the Bull Pasture. Stone took the left edge to the far corner and turned down to the trees near the pond where he had nice find at 6. After Clymers, Stone went missing but was found standing in the trees in the far corner by the clubhouse. He proceeded through the Clubhouse Loop and then up the hill to the Twin Barns. Heading toward the chute, Stone was last seen in the heavy cover but failed to reappear and the tracker was returned to the handler. Slam, Bam, thank you ma'am. At 6, Shaka pointed the same birds as Stone but failed to exhibit acceptable manners and her day was done.

Brace 7: Red/Brian Gingrich and Cooper/Robert Tomczak. Dogs were released in the Breakaway Field. Red's performance was described above. Cooper had an inconsistent pattern and his day was over when he failed to back and stole point at 39.

Brace 8: Savage/Jarrett Bell and Ray/Chad Chadwell. This brace started at the entrance to Little Vine Loop. At 13, Savage was found standing, with Ray backing, in a thick food plot just before the mountain in Little Vine Loop. Birds were not flushed and Savage was given a unproductive. With inconsistent patterns, dogs moved ahead. Savage was seen under birds in the left edge of Sycamore Bottom at 32. Ray was not pleasing his handler and was returned to the dog wagon at 38.

Brace 9: Bella/Robert Tomczak and Rue/Brian Gingrich. Dogs were released halfway up the hill leading to the Twin Barns. Bella put up birds at 5 in the left edge in the woods just before the Twin Barns and her day was done. Rue made some nice moves after passing the Twin Barns. He went on point in the Bull Pasture at 15 but only a dead bird was found. Rue was then sent forward and was found standing at 22 in very thick briars at the left edge before the pond. Birds could not be produced and the handler elected to pick up.

Day 3
Brace 10: Bolt/Jarrett Bell and Briar/Justin Hess. The temperature dropped to single digits overnight and 2 dogs were scratched leaving only 2 braces to complete the Championship. To allow temperatures to warm a little, the breakaway was delayed until 10 am. Both dogs made some nice casts but overall had inconsistent runs. After climbing Horse Killer Hill, Bolt pointed a trusty covey at 45, with Briar backing, in the tree line between Horse Killer and Don Fox Hills. The judges left Bolt down even though he released himself before the handler collared him. Bolt took the left edge forward and pointed another trusty group of birds at 49 by the Deer Stand on the left edge of Apple Tree Hill. Briar had a find at 15 in the tree line before crossing the road into Davis Bottoms followed by a find at 23, with Bolt backing, in the treeline at the end of Davis Bottoms. Briar finished his hour with finds at 40 below Horse Killer Hill and another at 55 in the last field before the mountain in Little Vine Loop.

Brace 11: Lefty/Mike Northwood and Remi/Brian Gingrich. Dogs were turned loose at the normal start of course 2. Lefty frequently checked with his handler, made some nice moves, but disappeared after entering the Bull pasture. The handler called for his tracker at 45. Remi struggled learning the ropes on hunting these unfamiliar grounds. She had a non-productive at 42 in the left edge of the Bull Pasture and a find at 51 in an island of trees in Clymers.
Judges: Sherry Ebert and Frank Vicari

Winner-B G K WHITE LIGHTENING, 1664970, female, by Boot Scootin Boogie-Huntin With A Lil Swagger. Jarrett Bell, owner and handler.
Runner-Up-BANGERT'S RED BARON, 1659495, male, by C K Touchdown Guy-Heidi Go Seek Jones. Patricia Bangert, owner; Brian Gingrich, handler.

National Vizsla Open Championship. Front: Allison Bell, Bill Stapleton. Back Natalie Howard, Jill Howard, Chad Chadwell, Nancy Browne, Jarrett Bell, Karen Concillio, Justin Hess, Frank Vicari, Burton Wice, sherry Ebert, Matt Wheaton, Mike Vicari, Paul Howard, Brian Gingrich.