The 2023 National events of the National Vizsla Association kicked off with the annual Board Meeting on Sunday March 12th at the Grovespring, MO Sportsman’s Association Clubhouse. Monday March 13 started the 25th annual running of the National Amateur Championship with Judges Dustin Ochs and Robert Rankin presiding over this stake of the top Amateur Vizslas in the country, competing for the title of National Amateur Champion and National Runner-UP Champion. The National Vizsla Association had been fortunate to have Purina, Garmin and Dogs Unlimited as our dedicated sponsors for our entire 32 year existence and this year was no exception. While this year’s entries were down a little from previous years due to a variety of circumstances, there were still 19 top contenders entered.
At 8:00 AM Pyro handled by Justin Hess and Wyatt handled by Jarett Bell were brought to the starting line and the stake was off. It was not their day and both dogs were picked up early.
Brace 2 brought Enzo with Northwood handling and Imre with Anderson on the whistle. Imre had a productive find with all in order at 9:45 then a non-productive at 9:54. Imre and Enzo had a divided find at 10:01 with good manners displayed by both dogs. Imre went on to have productive finds at 10:05, 10:15, 10:18 and 10:23 with all in order. Both dogs finished the hour.
Brace 3 with Ray handled by Chadwell and Stone handled by Stapleston was released next. This brace proved to be a productive one with Ray having finds at 10:40, 10:49, 11:07, 11:14 and 11:23 and Stone having finds at 10:43, backing at 10:49, find at 11:15, 11:30 and 11:36. Both dogs finished the hour.
Brace 4 was released after lunch with Shaka handled by Chadwell and Nova handled by Stapleton on the ground. Shake got off to a good start with finds at 2:05, 2:10 and 2:21 but caught a bird at 2:34 to end her bid. Nova was picked up at 2:10 to end her bid and
Brace 5 was released. Briar with Justin Hess handling was on a bird finding mission this day with productive finds at 2:53, 3:02, 3:25, 3:33, 3:41 with a covey, 3:44 and 3:47. Cal handled by Chadwell was not as fortunate and was picked up at 2:53.
Brace 6 brought Bella with Todd Meyer handling and Kori handled by Jarrett Bell to the line. Bella had a productive find at 4:26 Productive a divided find at 4:41 and at 4:55 an unproductive divided find. Kori with Jarrett Bell had a productive divided find at 4:41 an unproductive divided find at 4:55 and a productive find at 4:57. That ended the first day’s running and
Brace 7 broke away Tuesday morning with Cooper handled by Todd Meyer and Bolt handled by Jarrett Bell kicking off the morning’s running. Cooper with Todd Meyer was picked up 12 minutes in while Bolt with Jarrett Bell continued on with an unproductive find at 8:24 followed by clean productive finds at 8:35, 8:46, and 8:51.
Brace 8 brought Aspen with Todd Meyer to the line but was picked up at 9:38, while Cinder with Bill Stapleton had productive finds at 9:38, 9:50 and 9:57.
Brace 9 included Savage with Jarrett Bell with a productive find at 10:38 and an unproductive at 11:03, with Sia handled by Anderson scoring a productive find at 11:00.
Brace 10 ran as a bye with Aly being handled by Chad Chadwell scoring productive finds at 12:04, 12:19, 12:23, 12:31. The judges had some fine performances to sort through and named Bolt owned by Allison and Jarrett Bell and handled by Jarrett Bell from the 7th brace with a strong forward race and three clean finds as the 2023 National Amateur Champion and Aly from the 10th brace owned and handled by Nancy Browne and Chad Chadwell, handled by Chad as the 2023 National Amateur Runner-Up Champion.
National Derby Classic
Tuesday night was as entertaining as it usually is with dinner in the Clubhouse and the ever popular Derby Calcutta. Everyone was excited and ready to see this year’s Derby dogs the next morning.
The first brace of Derbys broke away Wednesday morning with Gin handled by Ron Chenoweth and Rebel handled by Jarrett Bell starting things off. At 8:04 Rebel had an unproductive then at 812 a flash point was seen at buffet line by both dogs. At 8:15 Gin had a productive find followed by Rebel on point at 8:20 with Gin being whoaed to a back. At 8:24 Gin bumped and chased then at 8:27 Gin was seen with a bird in the air.
Brace 2 had Rudi handled by Justin Hess braced with Willow handled by Todd Meyer. Rudi took the shoot before island field and eventually came back into sight then stayed forward working the edge, fast and stylish. He had a productive point with a chase, almost caught the bird but was called off and went back forward. At 8:50 Willow caught bird. At 9:00 the dogs had a divided find.
Brace 3 brought Viggo with Gingrich handling and Jasper with Northwood on the whistle to the line. At 9:20 Jasper pointed but abandoned the find. Both dogs made big runs through Sycamore Bottoms but no birds were found.
Brace 4 saw Hito with Gingrich handling braced with Linda handled by Bell. Both dogs were picked up early.
Brace 5 was Thorn with Hess and Pete with Gingrich. Both dogs opened up and worked independently after first clearing, Thorn working closer after the creek. At 1:11 Thorn pointed but handler waved it off. At 1:12 Thorn pointed again with Pete backing, both very intense. This time a bird was produced. At 1:13 Thorn pointed once again. At 1:16 Pete pointed and Thorn backed with intensity. Both dogs broke and searched the wooded area but no bird was found. At 1:23 Thorn and Pete both had points at buffet line. Pete had a final point at 1:28 with the bird flushing itself.
Brace 6 brought Clyde with Northwood handling and .Rose with Chenoweth. Clyde was on Rose at the breakaway before Rose split off, ranging and working edges. A bird was seen in the air but not clear which dog worked it at 1:44.
Brace 7 had Saint with Gingrich and Axel with Northwood coming to the line. Stopped to water 2:25. At 2:33 Gingrich leashed Saint. Axel seemed to work better alone but was watered again at 2:36 then found a glove at 2:38. Axel had a find at 2:43.
For brace 8 Northwood scratched Chloe and Bling ran off into the wood when released so the stake was over. Even though some unusual things occurred during this year’s Derby Classic the judges still had some very worthy dogs and named Rudi handled by Justin Hess and owned by Todd Peterson as the winner with Jasper handled by Mike Northwood runner-up and Rose handled by Ron Chenoweth as second runner-up.
National Championship saw 23 dogs brought to the line beginning on March 16, 2023. The weather turned slightly cooler from earlier in the week, but thankfully we avoided running in any downpours, and conditions were consistent for the two days of running. Everyone was well-fed from a wonderful steak dinner the night before, and eager to get started. Our Judges were Brandon Blum and Jon Small, who each have logged many miles watching high class bird dogs. We really appreciate their time in the saddle. We also appreciate the generous support of our sponsors Nestle Purina and Garmin-Tritronics.
CK Post Route Scout (Scout) is no stranger to the winner’s circle, and his performance in 2023 was an opportunity to bookend Brian’s and his 2017 National Championship win as a young dog. Scout ran in Brace 5 on Course 2. After being released by Bill Stapleton, Scout started his run at a fast pace, and he maintained his big run throughout the hour. Scout disappeared forward quickly, and after an approximate 10 minute absence he was found on a stylish point above Andy Daugherty’s house. Brian successfully worked the bird with all in order. Upon resuming his run, Scout had his second point near the twin barns. After working his bird, Scout rapidly caught the front and had his third and final find near the clubhouse parking lot. Scout finished the hour by the ponds on the clubhouse loop well forward of his handler, and was rewarded by the judges with the National Championship win. Scout’s new title is 2xNCH RUNCH 2xNFC 6xCH 5xRUCH GFC FC CK Post Route Scout!
CK’s Guy Light My Fire (Flame) ran in Brace 4 on Course 1 with Brian Gingrich handling and Owner Cody Engebretson Scouting. Flame broke away at a snappy pace and finished the hour forward, although her run was not quite as large as Scout’s run. Flame stayed forward hunting the edges in good fashion and was found on point in the big field after the first road crossing with all in order. Her second find was just before the typical Course 1 ending area. Flame’s third and final find was on the flats after the typical Course 2 starting point. Flame also had a back of her brace mate and was awarded Runner Up National Champion for her excellent effort. Flame’s new title is RUNCH 3xCH FC CK Guy’s Light My Fire! ~
Placements 2023 National Champion CK Post Route Scout (Scout), Handler Brian Gingrich, Owner Jim Gingrich 2023 Runner-Up National Champion CK Guy’s Light My Fire (Flame), Handler Brian Gingrich, Owner Cody Engebretson